A stressed man. [Photo/Shutterstock.com]Depression is a killer disease that is claiming the lives of many young people.

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Its important to observe yourself of a loved one and look out for the following signs so that you can get help on how to deal with it as soon as possible to avoid the damages that it can cause to one’s life.

You are no longer interested in what you used to love doing before. Maybe it is your hobby or your going to school and you loved reading or maybe its your job. You suddenly lose interest in this things while they used to give you hope before, you were happy and alive while doing them but now you no longer take interest in them, you should find help.

Stay indoors has never been a bad idea. We all have those days that we feel lazy and we don’t want to do anything but just stay in the house, however if you are doing this too often than usual as you used to their could be a problem. If you can’t even get out of bed or eat, you could be developing depression.

There is a sudden change in your appetite, you are not eating right and healthy the way you used to before. You are also not keeping your body in check. You have given up on being healthy and just maintaining your self, you could be depressed and you need help.