A man eating pizza. [Photo/shutterstock]

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Being overweight or poor eating habits aren't the only things that can lead to diabetes. You might be surprised to learn that some everyday habits might be putting you at risk for developing the disease.

You are cutting back on coffee. Coffee consumption can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lower risk of developing the disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. Certain components in coffee reduces insulin resistance and may also boost glucose metabolism, the process of converting glucose to energy.

Your diet is light on the probiotic.The risk of diabetes increases when you have more bad bacteria than good bacteria in your gut. Your stomach needs good bacteria, called probiotic, for proper digestion; low levels can lead to inflammation that may eventually lead to insulin resistance. Eat foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and some cheeses for a probiotic boost. These are the best foods for good gut bacteria.

You use plastic to microwave. There are chemicals used in the manufacturing of plastic wrap and plastic containers that are associated with an increased risk of diabetes in children and teens. The chemical increases insulin resistance, as well as elevated blood pressure.

You don't get enough sun exposure-people with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have type 2 diabetes regardless of their weight; researchers believe the sunshine vitamin D plays a big role in the proper functioning of your pancreas which produces insulin and helps regulate blood sugar