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Apart from the medicinal value, aspirin has other different uses including the following. 

Helps to restore hair color. When you swim in a pool that has chlorinated water, the chemical makes the hair dry and lose colour. Dissolve some aspirins in warm water then wash your hair and it will be restored.

They help to dry up pimples. For those people that have acne proven skin, you can make aspirin paste and apply on the pimple, wait for some time till the paste dry the wash using soap and moisture the face.

Relieves pain on insects stings and bites. Aspirin helps to reduce the inflammation caused by the bites or stings, make an aspirin paste by dissolving some aspirins in warm water and apply it on the affected are.

Helps to clean sweat stained. Dissolve some aspirin and make a paste then soak the piece of cloth in the water and leave it overnight,  then proceed with your normal washing routine.