Friends hanging together. [Photo/shutterstock]

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Friends are and will always be an important factor in our lives, they bring that joy and understanding that you might find hard to experience with your partner or family. 

With your friend, you can always be open to them knowing they won’t judge you. Here are a few tips on maintaining and strengthening you friendships.

Be the type of friend that you would want to have and that means for starters, always show up, learn to always come through for them whenever they need you because a day will come when you also need them, being there for them means a lot than it could ever seem. Your presence is important.

As much as you will always show up for them when they need you, make sure that there is consistent communication between you guys, take advantage of social media and the fact that there are many platforms to reach them.

Human beings will never satisfy you to the level of your expectations, when it comes to your friends too, don’t expect to much from them because that will only leave you with a lot of disappointment and cause the break up of your relationship.

Lastly, be the type of friend who always supports your friends dreams, always challenge them to the next level of life, help them out to the best of your capability.