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Here is how to tell you are being guided by lust but not love.

You spend all your time together in bed. If you are always in bed or engaging in something sexual, it's likely that you ate in lust, rather than love. When you only feel lust for someone, your goal is to experience sexual pleasure, and when its love you and your partner will meet each other's sexual and emotional needs, such as helping each other through problems, instead of it just being about how fast you can get each other's clothes off.

Your imagination is on fire. When you are experiencing lust towards a person, you are far more likely to idealize that person and who they are, and you start to project onto them what you want them to be, based upon your needs as you perceive them, but when you love someone you see them as they actually are regardless of their flaw

Physical appearance tops all concerns.The emotion of lust is primarily focused on the external, such as how your partner looks, their body, and how you appear in their eyes. However, if you love a person you also pay a great an attention   their fine qualities, such as their intellectual, kindness, and soft heart.

You don’t share feelings with each other- If you don't open up with your partner to share feelings and show vulnerability, you are likely just in lust.