A couple on a date.[Photo/prosinthecity.com]

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We are living in an ever changing world but there are things that have always existed and will continue to, we could say these are the laws of Mother Nature but really they are constant facts about relationships that cannot be distorted. 

There are a few non-negotiable things in a relationship that will tell you if she is the one or she is not.

The core of any relationship is trust. Trust is very important in a relationship and especially for that relationship to be a successful one. Your partner needs to trust you and if they don’t, it will be like wasting time. Without trust their will be a lot of insecurity in the relationship and you will be stuck over the same things in constant arguments which is not how a relationship should be like.

They always say behind a successful man there is always a woman. Your girl needs to be ambitious and confident. Being with this type of person will challenge you to become a better person and want more in life and more so you will be proud to have her in your life.

Lastly, your lady needs to have confidence in you as a man. If she does not believe in your capability as an individual, she will tear you down rather than encourage you to achieve greater things in life.