Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja. [Photo|Courtesy]

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Jubilee senators now want a recount of all the presidential votes to determine who the real winner was in the just concluded general elections.

Though the elections have been since nullified, the senators said that they would be seeking a court order to have the boxes opened and a recount done.

According to Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja, Kenyans had a right to access to information noting that the opening of the ballots would bring to an end suspicions as to how many votes each candidate got."We will demand that the presidential votes be counted afresh so that we can show Kenyans who actually won the elections," he said.A day after Supreme Court judges made their detailed decision, Sakaja said it was a sad day for Kenya that the will of the people could be overturned by rumors and not facts as laid bare to the judges."The will of millions of Kenyans was overturned on the basis of technicalities and not the outcome of the elections but finally Kenyans now know the truth as to what exactly happened," he said.Sakaja on the other hand said they will be following closely on the alleged misconduct of Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu and Justice Isaac Lenaola on allegations that they met and interacted with opposition leaders."The conduct of the Supreme Court judges being the apex court in the land must be beyond reproach and their character must be of the high standards at all times," he said.On his part Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura said the decision by the majority judges narrowed to three areas of interest that they did not want to counter check.While terming the decision as political, Mwaura wondered why the judges blamed the IEBC for not opening the servers yet there was no order for them to do so.