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Loving your spouse doesn't mean you'll wake up every morning excited to be with and to see your spouse. The reality of marriage is that some days you wake up and look at your spouse and wonder what you were thinking when married him or her. 

Disappointments are real in marriage. Hurts are unavoidable in marriage. But true love is shown by the way you treat your spouse in moments when he or she least deserves it. It is when you decide to treat him or her with respect and courtesy even when you're disappointed with him or her.

Marriage is not for the show. It doesn't really matter what outsiders think about your marriage, only God is the sole audience of your marriage. Some couples go out of their way to improve the cosmetic appearances of their marriages to impress outsiders while inwardly their marriages are falling apart. 

While extravagant weddings and anniversaries; expensive gifts and exotic vacations may impress outsiders, they really don't add value to marriage; often they leave couples buried under challenging debt. The most important things in life that really add value to your marriage are free; these are unconditional love, respect, courtesy, submission, affection, intimacy, honesty, companionship, commitment, and admiration.

Most marriage problems can be solved if husband and wife would learn to solve problems quickly, openly, respectfully and courteously like adults and in a mature way. Avoid throwing emotional tantrums and yelling. When indisputable facts are presented learn to say, "you're right, I was wrong." 

Learn to argue factually, allowing your spouse to express himself or herself fully without fear of judgment or reprimand. Avoid name calling or saying words that you'll regret saying. In marriage often you have to lose the argument in order to win your spouse. Usually, whenever one spouse wins, marriage loses.