A petroleum truck  was hijacked last night at Naivasha -Mai mahiu road in Nakuru county. The truck was found  in a bush today morning by a man who was passing though the path in the bush heading to Mai Mahiu town.

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Giving his report to the incident,  the man  said he feared to approach at the truck alone and thus he  went  along the road and informed several people about what he had seen who later joined him to the scene. On reaching to the truck the found the driver lyng on his seat unconcious with some injuries.

It  was also discover that the petrol had been stolen as there were spillage especialy at  the back of the truck where the tap was located.After a giving the driver first aid , he was able to  speak and said he was hijacked and the hijackers took control of the truck which was heading to gilgil and drove it into the bush. He was together with his conductor whom it is not known where  he went or what happend to him.

The stole his mobile phone ,3000 sh and left him with some injuries. He was later rushed to Naivasha district hospital for further tretment.