David Ndii, head of technical committee in NASA. [Photo|the-star]

Is there a story unfolding in your community? Let Hivisasa know

Many Kenyans have shown mixed reactions towards the sentiments made by David Ndii the head of National Super Alliance {NASA} technical comittee on Tuesday evening.

Following the case that is already in court, economist David Ndii indicated clearly that the coalition was prepared for mass action if the Supreme court failed to consider the evidence they had given.

While others felt that Ndii's sentiments were being inciteful, others were backing up his ideology.

Dear, NASA supporters as U prepare for Deadly Mass Action after losing court battle, David Ndii and his family will be watching you on TV.

If you feel offended by Dr. David Ndii's sentiments then you're part of the problems we are grappling with as a nation.

David Ndii is a vampire that's thirsty for Kenyan blood. He is ready for mass action even if it means people or HIM dying.

"We have been calling for mass action since 1991 and we will not stop as long as some people try to restore dictatorship. If change cannot come through the ballot, it will come through a bullet." said Ndii.

"Protestors do not kill, they only resist oppression. It is the police who shot and kill when protestors resist. Any killing is initiated by the government. We will call for mass action," he added.

However, he stated that his aim is not to incite Kenyans but to open their eyes to justice and democracy.