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It’s no news that there are an enormous number of women who are in one abusive relationship or another (emotional or physical). What I, and I’m sure others find bewildering, however, is the fact that despite the abuse and torture, a lot of these women cannot leave and move on from those relationships. It is really alarming the number of women, married and unmarried who cling on to abusive partners, so I’ve been wondering; what is it about those relationships that they cannot move on from them? Could it be love? Or is there more to it than we can ordinarily understand?

Well, after some deep and careful thinking, I came up with a couple of reasons I feel are responsible, and I’ll be sharing them with you, our esteemed reader. Now, let’s take a look at them all…


Yes, fear. However, I am not talking about fear of the abusive partner and his violence tendencies, but fear of the unknown. I think that this is the number one reason why women tend to remain with their abusive partners, in spite of everything. The fear of moving on and having to begin a new relationship with someone entirely new– who might, even be worse than their present partner… So they stick with the devil they know, live with the abuse, and continue to be trampled upon.


Believe it or not there are actually women who are so into money and the fancy life, that they’re willing to accept emotional and physical abuse as the price they have to pay for it. These sorts of women would never quit an abusive relationship for anything… not as long as the money keeps rolling into their partners’ bank accounts.


Once a woman has had a baby or more for her man, it’s often very difficult for her to leave him or the relationship, irrespective of what difficulty she’s faced with. The reason for this isn’t exactly because of her emotional attachment to her man, but because firstly, women naturally tend to want to build a family with the father of their children. No woman wants to have children for multiple men or deprive their children of that fatherly love that they deserve.

Secondly, you got to agree that it’s always kind of difficult for a woman with a child (children) to find a decent man who’s willing to accept her and her kid(s). Most men wouldn’t get involved with a woman with kids because they often consider the kids as ‘extra baggage’. And of course, the challenges of being a single mother are way too huge for some of these women to accept, so they hang on to the relationship and man they have, even when their well-being and health is in danger.


Honestly, I had a hard time coming to terms with this, but it is a reality, and we must accept it. Ask some of these women under abusive relationships the reason they have held on, they’ll always mention love. It’s hard to fathom as a neutral, but it’s true. Some of these women, no matter how abusive their partners are, somehow remain emotionally attached to them. Some believe they (the victims) are often responsible for the abuse they get from their partners, and believe that once they change, the abuse will cease. They see absolutely no wrong in whatever ill their partner metes out to them, and would defend him if they have to. Lol. It’s crazy, but that is the way it is. Call it infatuation or anything you want to, but the truth remains that some of these women are genuinely emotionally attached to their abusive partners.

So there– the reasons I believe women tend to remain in a relationship even in face of constant emotional and physical abuse. I do hope you found it interesting.

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