A person using drinking from a straw. [Photo/pixshark.com]The invention of straws definitely made life much easier but as they say nothing good comes without disadvantages.

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We all have those lazy days that just get you to use your straw even in the most inappropriate situations like taking tea, or that lipstick just looks too good to be interfered with, but here are a few facts that will make you stop using a straw.

Taking sugary and acidic drinks with a straw coats your teeth with these substances which corrode your teeth.

As much as this cannot be avoided even when taking these drinks without a straw, using one makes it much worse.Ingredients found in soda such as phosphoric acid and citric acid erode your enamel.

Taking anything with a straw exposes you to bloating because there is air in the straw.As you sip, air is drawn from the tip of the straw and you end up swallowing it.

Wrinkles are bound to catch up with everyone but using a straw brings this earlier than its supposed to be.You are bound to develop lines around your lips due to a repetitive motion from drinking.You will develop smokers lips.