A bachelor. [Photo/cnn]

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A bachelor pad is like a hotel. Be it gaming night with the boys, crashing in with peeps after a night out or a sleepover with your woman. You are visitors, so a certain level of care when in the premises is expected.

Keep an extra toothbrush

Nothing is as weird as losing the ability to hold morning-after conversations because of a stinky breathe. Make it easier for both of you by having an extra toothbrush or two in your bathroom. This not only earns you points for being thoughtful, you also don’t have to look away when she opens her mouth during morning reruns of yester night’s event.

A stocked fridge is a deal sealer

The fastest way to chase people out of your house is by lack of food. Keeping a well-stocked fridge, be it with junk or a decent meal will save you the hustle. Furthermore, where else will you put last night’s pizza?

Scotch or wine, and is better than none

This is more of a treat for you than it is your visitors. A good bottle of wine or scotch to serve makes you the king of bachelorhood. You don’t have to be a drinker, but you will never miss a friend who does and this is the easiest way to indulge a crowd.

Fresh linens will get you laid

We know it’s a pain to make your bed when you’re just going to mess it up again, but dude, there is no greater turnoff like stained bed sheets and stinky pillows.

Shower gel

Don’t you just hate to share a bar soap? A shower gel is an easy way out. Also, it could work to refill your hand sanitizer if it runs out at an inappropriate time.

Light up the mood

You can have dim lights on your walls for romantic nights or a bedside lamp for your late night read, but don’t hesitate on lighting up a room. It makes it all the way easier for people to maneuver without breaking your stuff and it also sets the mood.

Co-ordinate your furniture

If possible, make sure all your equipment and gadgets in the house are of the same color. This makes it easier for you when decorating your pad. Don’t limit your imagination, as this is your mini-empire, but you will want to host your parents once in a while to avoid having a red room of pain for a living room.