A cup of coffee and some coffee beans. [Photo/chavino.com]When you hear people talking about coffee, a lot of times its usually how it contains caffeine which is not healthy, people will rarely talk about the benefits that come with it.

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Here to shed a light on some of the benefits of coffee.

Coffee berries contain antioxidants which are a powerful health protectors.These antioxidant prevent the oxidation of other molecules in the body which in turn help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.According to research, coffee is the number one source of rich protective antioxidants.

Diabetes is a disease affecting the greater part of the worlds population today.Coffee helps reduce the risk of one getting the disease.The antioxidants come in handy by making sure the body is not insulin resistant.It also helps prevent other diseases such as liver cirrhosis, gallstones and breast cancer.

The caffeine in the coffee helps reduce the process of aging.Unbelievable as it may sound ,this is true as the caffeine offsets the loss of muscle strength which comes with aging helping with the slowing down of these process.

As much as it comes with its benefits ,its important to note that too much intake of coffee may be harmful to your health.