Chocolate. [Photo:]

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If you have a girlfriend, it is most likely she has ever asked for a bar of chocolate from you. 

The next time you buy take a share and enjoy the following benefits my brother. She could be getting a ticket for a longer and healthier living as you watch.

Chocolate is good for the heart and circulation. This means she could be having healthier heart and arteries than you.It reduces the risk of suffering from stroke according to researchers. Now you know my brother. A stroke could be glaring at you simply because you think chocolate is a girl thing. It is rich in minerals needed in your body. It is packed with beneficial minerals such as potassium, zinc, iron and selenium. Iron is needed for blood cells production both for her and you too. So always take a bit or two. It reduces cholesterol levels. Consuming cocoa has been shown to reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL).This means that your fiancee might be having a healthier heart than you.It's good for your skin.The flavonols in dark chocolate can protect the skin against sun damage.No wonder your girl has a brighter skin than you. And though you are not competing with her it would do no harm to have a better skin than what you have right now. It can help you lose weightThis is because eating it before a meal reduces appetite.This is the reason why she can eat her bar then watch you bring down a mountain of githeri afterwards.It's good for mothers and babiesA Finnish study found that chocolate reduced stress in expectant mothers, and that the babies of such mothers smiled more often than the offspring of non-chocolate-eating parents.And knowing very well you also get stressed up,t here is no harm if you can take a piece to elevate your moods. This is more helpful than a bottle of alcohol. It may prevent diabetesIt sounds mad, but cocoa has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity. So dark chocolate might delay or prevent the onset of diabetes.But don't shelf exercises and good dietary. This two should go hand in hand with an occasional bar of chocolate. Chocolate is good for the brain memory. It has flavanols which are thought to reduce memory loss in older people.And hoping you would wish to carry your memory until your last breath always eat a piece when it comes your way. Otherwise, she will be the one reminding you everything at old age. Chocolate makes you feel better.It contains chemicals that encourage your brain to release feel-good endorphins.Not forgetting that she is happier than you on average. That means you should be taking much of it than herself. It will help you enjoy life much better than you have been doing. Now that you know its benefits, get yourself a bar whenever you can.